Disaggregation report

On this page

By disaggregation

Total rows: 176
Disaggregation Number of indicators Number of values
Abuse sub-category 1 6
Abuse type 2 4
Activity 1 1
Age at which FGM took place 1 8
Age group 1 2
Age of oldest person 1 3
Age of youngest person 1 3
Age 48 95
Aid description (CRS code) 1 2
Area of law 1 4
Area of spending 1 12
Bank account category 1 20
Beverage 1 4
Bioenergy 2 2
Birth weight 1 11
BMI 1 3
Cause of death 3 10
Chronic respiratory disease type 1 8
Citizenship 1 4
Completeness of disaggregation 1 3
Contact sexual abuse type 1 2
Contraceptive method 1 2
Corruption offence type 2 4
Country group 2 3
Country Group 1 3
Country income classification 11 5
Country of birth 14 31
Country 40 7
County 1 36
DAC classification 1 3
Death classification 1 2
Decent homes criteria 1 4
Deprivation decile 1 10
Deprivation quantile 1 5
Deprivation quintile 1 5
Disability status 19 9
Disposal Method 1 5
Economic activity 1 17
Ecosystem type 1 9
Education category 1 2
Education indicator 1 36
Educational measure 1 8
Educational subject 1 2
Employment status 2 14
Ethnic group 9 39
Ethnic Group 1 4
Ethnicity of household reference person (HRP) 1 5
Ethnicity 17 23
Exposure category 1 3
Fatality 1 2
FGM type 1 8
Flight category 1 2
Food security level 1 2
Free school meals 1 2
Free School Meals 1 2
Frequency of sexual assault 1 4
Gas 1 7
Gender 1 2
Geography (HydroBASINs ID) 1 38
Goal 1 13
Health Board 2 7
Health product or service category 1 4
Health product or service sub-category 1 9
Health product or service 1 2
Highest qualification 5 15
Household composition - adults over State Pension age 1 1
Household composition - children 1 2
Household composition - disabled adults 1 3
Household composition - unemployed adults 1 1
Household income 8 38
Household Waste disposal routes 1 5
IHR core capacity 1 13
Import type 2 10
Income group 2 6
Income quartile 1 4
Income 1 7
Industry higher sub-category 2 61
Industry lower sub-category 2 54
Industry middle sub-category 2 70
Industry sector 4 30
Inputs 1 2
Institution 2 11
Learning category 1 2
Learning sub-category (higher) 1 7
Learning sub-category (lower) 1 17
Local Authority 12 927
Main method of contraception 1 10
Malaria species 1 7
Manufacturing industry 1 9
Material category 4 5
Measure 1 3
Mechanism 1 8
Migratory status 1 2
Mountain elevation 1 2
Nationality 3 8
Number of adults 1 3
Number of children 1 3
Number of hours 1 8
Number of previous live births 1 6
Occupation category 1 11
Occupation minor group 1 4
Occupation unit group 2 21
Occupation 2 9
Outputs 1 1
Performing/Funding 1 2
Place of occurrence 1 10
Police Force Area 1 43
Poverty reduction aid type 1 5
Product group 1 34
Product sector 2 4
Product Sector 1 4
Product 1 12
Productivity 1 2
Recipient country 1 164
Recipient region 1 6
Region of travel 2 21
Region 43 26
Relationship to perpetrator 2 5
Renewable and waste source 1 17
Renewable Source 2 7
Retirment status 1 2
Risk of extinction category 1 3
Road category 1 5
Scottish Council Area 1 31
Seasonally adjusted or not 1 2
Sector 5 22
Security 1 2
Sex by disability 1 4
Sex 51 8
Size of particulate matter 1 1
Skill 1 10
Socio-economic classification 2 8
Source of revenue 1 4
Source sub-category 1 2
Source 1 5
Special educational needs 2 2
Speed (mb/sec) 1 3
State support detail 1 4
State support 1 3
Status classification 1 2
Sub-national area 1 3
Subject 1 3
Sustainably managed status 1 2
Tenure category 1 3
Tenure sub-category 2 8
Tenure 1 3
Theme 1 5
Total gross weekly income 1 6
Treatment connection 1 2
Treatment type 1 6
Type of disease 1 4
Type of documentation 1 3
Type of hate crime 2 4
Type of heritage 1 2
Type of Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) 1 2
Type of partner abuse 1 3
Type of study 1 5
Type of violence 1 5
Types of contraception 1 10
Unintentional poisoning category 1 6
Urban or Rural 4 2
Urban or rural 4 2
Urbanisation sub-category 1 6
Use a smartphone 1 1
Vaccine 1 16
Violence type 1 6
Waste collection Authority 1 127
Waste type 1 2
Water body category 1 3
Water resources management category 1 4
Water resources management sub-category 1 32
Water treatment category 1 3
Water type 1 3
Welsh Unitary Authority 1 22
Wind 2 2
Working Pattern 1 2

By indicator

Total rows: 145
Indicator Disaggregations Number of disaggregations
#1-2-1 Age, Sex 2
#1-2-2 Age, Sex 2
#1-4-2 Security, Type of documentation 2
#1-5-1 Country, Sex, Cause of death 3
#1-a-1 Poverty reduction aid type 1
#10-1-1 Income group 1
#10-2-1 Age, Sex 2
#10-3-1 Age, Sex, Disability status, Ethnicity, Type of hate crime, Household income, Urban or Rural 7
#10-4-2 Retirment status 1
#10-6-1 Institution 1
#10-a-1 Country Group, Product Sector 2
#10-b-1 Recipient region, Recipient country 2
#11-1-1 Disability status, Decent homes criteria, Urbanisation sub-category, Sub-national area, Age of oldest person, Age of youngest person, Income group, Ethnicity of household reference person (HRP) 8
#11-3-1 Region, Local Authority, Country, Welsh Unitary Authority, Scottish Council Area 5
#11-4-1 Type of heritage, Area of spending 2
#11-5-1 Country, Sex, Cause of death 3
#11-6-1 Region, Disposal Method, Waste collection Authority 3
#11-6-2 Local Authority, Size of particulate matter 2
#11-7-1 Country 1
#11-7-2 Age, Region, Sex, Country of birth, Disability status, Ethnicity, Relationship to perpetrator, Income 8
#12-2-1 Material category 1
#12-2-2 Material category 1
#12-3-1 Sector, Waste type, Household Waste disposal routes 3
#12-4-2 Treatment type, Economic activity 2
#12-5-1 Country 1
#12-a-1 Region, Country, Renewable Source, Wind, Bioenergy 5
#13-1-1 Country, Sex, Cause of death 3
#13-2-2 Gas 1
#13-a-1 Theme 1
#15-1-1 Country, Sustainably managed status 2
#15-1-2 Region, Country, Ecosystem type 3
#15-2-1 Country 1
#15-4-2 Mountain elevation 1
#15-7-1 Import type 1
#15-a-1 Country income classification 1
#15-b-1 Country income classification 1
#15-c-1 Import type 1
#16-1-1 Age, Region, Country, Sex, Police Force Area 5
#16-1-3 Age, Region, Sex, Country of birth, Disability status, Ethnicity, Household income, Urban or Rural, Ethnic group, Highest qualification, Violence type 11
#16-1-4 Age, Region, Sex, Country of birth, Disability status, Ethnicity, Household income, Ethnic group 8
#16-2-3 Sex, Abuse type, Contact sexual abuse type 3
#16-3-1 Type of violence 1
#16-3-2 Age, Sex, Nationality 3
#16-5-1 Corruption offence type 1
#16-5-2 Corruption offence type 1
#16-6-2 Age, Region, Country, Sex, Country of birth, Disability status, Income quartile 7
#16-7-1 Age, Region, Country, Sex, Sector 5
#16-7-2 Age, Region, Sex, Disability status, Ethnicity, Household income, Urban or rural, Citizenship 8
#16-8-1 Institution 1
#16-9-1 Sex 1
#16-b-1 Age, Sex, Disability status, Ethnicity, Type of hate crime, Household income, Urban or rural 7
#17-1-1 Source of revenue 1
#17-10-1 Country group, Product sector 2
#17-11-1 DAC classification 1
#17-12-1 Country group, Product sector 2
#17-14-1 Mechanism 1
#17-18-1 Completeness of disaggregation, Goal 2
#17-19-1 Country income classification 1
#17-6-1 Speed (mb/sec) 1
#17-8-1 Age, Region, Local Authority, Sex, Disability status, Ethnicity, Ethnic group, Employment status 8
#17-9-1 Country income classification 1
#2-1-1 Age, Sex, Measure 3
#2-1-2 Age, Region, Country, Ethnicity, Ethnic group, Highest qualification, Tenure sub-category, Food security level, Age group, Household composition - children, Number of adults, Number of children, Household composition - adults over State Pension age, Household composition - disabled adults, Household composition - unemployed adults, State support, State support detail, Total gross weekly income, Tenure 19
#2-2-2 Country, Sex, Ethnicity, BMI 4
#2-3-1 Productivity, Outputs, Inputs 3
#2-3-2 Sex 1
#2-5-2 Risk of extinction category 1
#2-a-2 Country income classification 1
#3-1-1 Age, Country, Country of birth, Ethnicity, Death classification, Deprivation quintile 6
#3-1-2 Age, Region, Country, Health Board, Number of previous live births 5
#3-2-1 Country, Sex 2
#3-2-2 Age, Region, Country, Sex, Health Board, Birth weight 6
#3-3-1 Age, Country, Sex, Ethnicity, Exposure category 5
#3-3-2 Region, Country, Country of birth, Ethnic group 4
#3-3-3 Age, Region, Country, Sex, Country of birth, Region of travel, Ethnic Group, Fatality, Malaria species 9
#3-3-4 Age, Region, Sex 3
#3-3-5 Type of Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD), Region of travel 2
#3-4-1 Age, Region, Country, Sex, Chronic respiratory disease type, Type of disease 6
#3-4-2 Age, Region, Country, Sex 4
#3-5-1 Local Authority, Deprivation decile 2
#3-5-2 Sex, Beverage 2
#3-6-1 Age, Region, Country, Sex 4
#3-7-1 Contraceptive method, Types of contraception, Age, Region, Local Authority 5
#3-7-2 Age, Country 2
#3-8-2 Age, Health product or service, Health product or service category, Health product or service sub-category, Tenure category, Tenure sub-category, Occupation category 7
#3-9-1 Region, Local Authority, County 3
#3-9-2 Country, Sex 2
#3-9-3 Age, Region, Country, Sex, Unintentional poisoning category 5
#3-a-1 Age, Region, Country, Sex, Country of birth, Ethnicity, Socio-economic classification 7
#3-b-1 Age, Region, Country, Vaccine 4
#3-b-2 Country income classification, Aid description (CRS code) 2
#3-c-1 Sex, Occupation unit group, Occupation minor group 3
#3-d-1 IHR core capacity 1
#4-1-1 Region, Local Authority, Sex, Ethnicity, Ethnic group, Subject, Special educational needs, Free school meals 8
#4-1-2 Sex 1
#4-2-1 Region, Local Authority, Ethnicity, Ethnic group, Special educational needs, Gender, Free School Meals, Learning category, Learning sub-category (higher), Learning sub-category (lower) 10
#4-2-2 Age, Region 2
#4-3-1 Age, Region, Sex, Country of birth, Disability status, Household income, Education category, Deprivation quantile, Employment status, Highest qualification 10
#4-4-1 Age, Sex, Disability status, Skill 4
#4-5-1 Educational measure, Education indicator 2
#4-6-1 Sex, Educational subject 2
#4-b-1 Country income classification, Sector, Type of study 3
#4-c-1 Region, Local Authority, Sex 3
#5-1-1 Area of law 1
#5-2-1 Age, Region, Country of birth, Disability status, Ethnicity, Household income, Ethnic group, Highest qualification, Type of partner abuse, Abuse sub-category 10
#5-2-2 Age, Region, Abuse type, Disability status, Ethnicity, Household income, Ethnic group, Highest qualification, Relationship to perpetrator, Place of occurrence, Migratory status, Frequency of sexual assault 12
#5-3-1 Age 1
#5-3-2 Local Authority, Country of birth, Age at which FGM took place, FGM type 4
#5-4-1 Age, Sex, Disability status, Number of hours 4
#5-5-2 Age, Region, Disability status 3
#5-6-1 Age, Main method of contraception 2
#5-a-1 Occupation unit group 1
#5-b-1 Age, Country, Sex, Socio-economic classification, Use a smartphone, Urban or rural 6
#6-2-1 Treatment connection, Water treatment category 2
#6-3-2 Country, Status classification, Water body category 3
#6-5-1 Water resources management category, Water resources management sub-category 2
#6-6-1 Water type, Geography (HydroBASINs ID) 2
#6-a-1 Country income classification 1
#7-1-1 Urban or Rural 1
#7-1-2 Urban or Rural 1
#7-2-1 Renewable and waste source 1
#7-3-1 Industry sector 1
#7-a-1 Country income classification 1
#7-b-1 Region, Country, Renewable Source, Wind, Bioenergy 5
#8-10-1 Region, Local Authority, Country, Urban or rural 4
#8-10-2 Age, Sex, Bank account category 3
#8-3-1 Region, Country, Sex, Sector 4
#8-4-1 Material category 1
#8-4-2 Material category 1
#8-5-1 Age, Region, Country, Sex, Disability status, Sex by disability, Occupation, Working Pattern 8
#8-5-2 Age, Region, Country, Sex, Country of birth, Disability status 6
#8-6-1 Age, Sex, Seasonally adjusted or not 3
#8-8-1 Age, Region, Country, Sex, Industry sector, Occupation 6
#8-9-1 Product 1
#8-a-1 Country income classification 1
#9-1-1 Local Authority, Country, Road category 3
#9-1-2 Flight category 1
#9-2-1 Industry higher sub-category, Industry middle sub-category, Industry lower sub-category 3
#9-2-2 Age, Region, Sex, Country of birth, Disability status, Ethnicity, Nationality, Activity 8
#9-3-1 Industry sector, Industry higher sub-category, Industry middle sub-category, Industry lower sub-category 4
#9-4-1 Industry sector 1
#9-5-1 Region, Country, Sector, Performing/Funding, Source, Source sub-category, Product group 7
#9-5-2 Age, Region, Sex, Country of birth, Disability status, Nationality 6
#9-a-1 Country income classification 1
#9-b-1 Manufacturing industry 1