Disaggregation: Ethnic group

On this page

Values used in disaggregation

Total rows: 39
Value Disaggregation combinations using this value Number of indicators
African 5 4
Any other Asian background 13 7
Any other black background 4 1
Any other Black background 3 1
Any other Black/African/Caribbean background 1 1
Any other ethnic group 3 3
Any other mixed background 4 1
Any other Mixed background 3 1
Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background 2 2
Any other white background 4 1
Any other White background 8 5
Arab 1 1
Asian/Asian British 18 1
Bangladeshi 12 7
Bangledeshi 2 1
Black African 9 3
Black Caribbean 9 3
Black Other 2 1
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British 3 1
Caribbean 4 4
Chinese 6 5
English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British 5 4
Gypsy or Irish Traveller 1 1
Gypsy / Roma 4 1
Gypsy/Roma 3 1
Indian 15 8
Irish 10 5
Mixed/multiple ethnic groups 3 1
Mixed/Other 2 1
Other ethnic group 3 1
Pakistani 14 8
Traveller of Irish heritage 7 2
White and Asian 8 3
White and black African 4 1
White and Black African 4 2
White and black Caribbean 4 1
White and Black Caribbean 6 4
White British 7 2
White 5 2

Indicators using disaggregation

Total rows: 9