Disaggregation: Country of birth

On this page

Values used in disaggregation

Total rows: 31
Value Disaggregation combinations using this value Number of indicators
Born elsewhere in Africa 1 1
Born elsewhere in Asia 1 1
Born in Africa 2 1
Born in Eastern Africa 1 1
Born in EU (Non-UK) 1 1
Born in EU 2 2
Born in Europe (non-UK) 2 1
Born in European Economic Area 1 1
Born in Indian subcontinent 2 1
Born in Northern Africa 1 1
Born in the UK 1 1
Born in UK 38 12
Born in Western Africa 1 1
Born in Western Asia 1 1
Country of birth not known 1 1
Country of birth not recorded 1 1
England 2 1
India 2 1
Northern Ireland 2 1
Not born in EU (Non-UK) 1 1
Not born in EU 2 2
Not born in the UK 1 1
Not born in UK 32 7
Other country of birth 4 3
Other 2 1
Pakistan 2 1
Poland 2 1
Republic of Ireland 2 1
Scotland 2 1
UK (but do not know the country) 2 1
Wales 2 1

Indicators using disaggregation

Total rows: 14