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Headline data

Source: Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

Geographical Area: United Kingdom

Unit of Measurement: GPB (£ Millions), USD ($ Millions), Percent of GDP (%), Percentage (%)

This table provides metadata for the actual indicator available from UK statistics closest to the corresponding global SDG indicator. Please note that even when the global SDG indicator is fully available from UK statistics, this table should be consulted for information on national methodology and other UK-specific metadata information.

Indicator available
Indicator description
Geographical coverage

United Kingdom

Unit of measurement

GPB (£ Millions), USD ($ Millions), Percent of GDP (%), Percentage (%)


Sub-indicator a) Official development assistance on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity

This sub-indicator is represented by series option "Total official development assistance for biodiversity, by recipient countries".

Official Development Assistance (ODA) - Resource flows to developing countries and multilateral organisations provided by official agencies (e.g. the UK Government) or their executive agencies. Each transaction is administered for the promotion of the economic development and welfare of developing countries and is concessional in character. More information on ODA can be found on the OECD website. ODA recipients are broken down in groups according to their Gross National Income (GNI) per capita.

Country income classification - The Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list of countries eligible to receive ODA is based on Gross National Income per capita as published by the World Bank. All low and middle income countries are included, with the exception of G8 members, EU members, and countries with a firm date for entry into the EU. The list also includes all Least Developed Countries (LDCs) as defined by the United Nations (UN).

LDCs - Least Developed Countries

LMICs - Lower Middle Income Countries

UMICs - Upper Middle Income Countries

Other LICs - Other Low Income Countries

Undefined - ODA that cannot be allocated to a single country

Sub-indicator b) Revenue generated and finance mobilised from biodiversity-relevant economic instruments

This sub-indicator is represented by series options "Tax revenue from biodiversity-relevant taxes" and "Tax revenue from biodiversity-relevant taxes out of total tax revenue"

Biodiversity-relevant taxes - Revenue raised from taxes and auctioning of tradable permits directed at biodiversity.

Available disaggregations

Sub-indicator a) Official development assistance on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity

Values given are the sum of all UK amount extended (gross) ODA in a target year that have a SectorPurposeCode (CRScode) = 41030. This code relates to ODA flows that have biodiversity as a principal objective. The underlying data can be found in the "Data underlying the SID publication" dataset available from the link in the Sources tab (Source 1)

Sub-indicator b) Revenue generated and finance mobilised from biodiversity-relevant economic instruments

No calculations were required as data are available straight from the OECD database (Source 2).

Other information

Sub-indicator b) Revenue generated and finance mobilised from biodiversity-relevant economic instruments

Further information on Tax revenue from biodiversity-relevant economic instruments is available in the Environmentally related tax revenue Dataset Documentation (PDF 0.18 MB).

Other environmentally related tax revenue are available from the source, in addition to further units (percentage of environmentally related tax revenue, USD 2015 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), and USD 2015 PPP per capita).

Further information on taxes and the associated tax revenue is available on the OECD Policy Instruments for the Environment (PINE) database.

Data follows the UN specification for this indicator. This indicator has not been identified in collaboration with topic experts.

Data last updated 29 October 2021
Metadata last updated 29 October 2021

This table provides information on metadata for SDG indicators as defined by the UN Statistical Commission. Complete global metadata is provided by the UN Statistics Division.

Indicator name

(a) Official development assistance on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity; and (b) revenue generated and finance mobilized from biodiversity-relevant economic instruments

Target name

Mobilize and significantly increase financial resources from all sources to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity and ecosystems

Global indicator description
UN designated tier

Tier I

UN custodian agency

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Link to UN metadata United Nations Sustainable Development Goals metadata for target 15.a opens in a new window

Source 1


Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office



Earliest available data


Geographical coverage

United Kingdom

Link to data source Statistics on International Development (SID) Final UK Aid Spend 2020 opens in a new window
Release date 29 September 2021
Next release

Spring 2022

Statistical classification

National Statistic

Contact details

Other information

Data for sub-indicator a (ODA for biodiversity). The Sector Purpose Code (CRS code) for biodiversity is 41030. Latest data (2017 to 2020) obtained from table “Data underlying the SID publication”. Previous data (2009 to 2016) is available from Statistics on International Development 2017 in the Data underlying SID 2017 publication.

Source 2


Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)



Earliest available data


Geographical coverage

United Kingdom

Link to data source OECD Statistical database opens in a new window
Release date 01 December 2020
Next release
Statistical classification

Official international

Contact details
Other information

To download the full dataset, export your customised table as a text file (csv) rather than an Excel file.
Selections under customise:
Country = United Kingdom
Variable = all except % of environmentally related tax revenue and the two with USD PPP
Category = All tax bases
Environmental domain = Biodiversity

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