Metadata field: Units

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Values used in metadata field

Total rows: 60
Value Number of indicators
Agriculture Orientation Index (AOI) 1
Annual mean (ug/m3) 1
Birth rate per 1,000 women in age group 1
Calories per day (kcal/day) 1
Cumulative Enrichment Index (CEI) 1
GBP (£000s) 1
GBP, constant USD at 2019 prices 1
GBP, constant USD in 2019 prices 1
GBP (£ Millions) 1
GBP (£) per capita 1
GBP (£ thousands), constant USD ($ thousands) 1
GBP (£ thousands) 2
GBP, USD at 2018 rate 1
GBP, USD at average 2020 rate 1
GBP (£) 3
Gini Coefficient 1
GPB (£ Millions), USD ($ Millions), Percent of GDP (%), Percentage (%) 2
Hectares, Percentage (%), Growth rate (%) 1
Index 1
Integrated Water Resources Management score 1
Litres of pure alcohol 1
Mean quality rating 1
Million hectares / Percentage (%) 2
Million metric tonnes, Tonnes per capita, Tonnes per GDP (£m) 4
Million tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e) 1
N/A 1
Number of cases 1
Number of deaths and age-standardised mortality rates per 100,000 population 1
Number of offences 2
Number of seizures 2
Number per 100,000 adults 1
Number per 1,000,000 1
Number, Percentage (%) 1
Number (Thousands), Tonnes (Thousands) 1
Number 1
Parity Index 1
Percent of GNI (%) 1
Percentage (%), GBP (£) 1
Percentage (%) of economically active 1
Percentage (%)/ Percentage change (%) 1
Percentage (%) 81
Percentage(%) 1
Percentage 5
Rate per 1,000 live births 2
Rate per 1,000 women 1
Rate per 10,000 population 1
Rate per 100,000 maternities, Rate per 100,000 live births 1
Rate per 100,000 population, Number of cases, Percentage of total cases 1
Rate per 100,000 population 8
Rate per 100,000 workers 1
Rate per 1,000,000 population 2
Red List Index 1
Square Km, Index 1
Terajoules per million pounds (TJ/£ million) 1
Thousand Tonnes per Million GBP (£) 1
Thousands of women 1
Tonnes, Tonnes per Capita, percentage 1
USD ($m) 1
Watts per capita 2

Indicators using metadata field

Total rows: 164